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Curos: You come here to ask us to spare your people? This land has pelo tolerance for the weak, we have it neither. If you want us to consider you as useful for us, you'll have to prove it in a test of strength and courage.

Gurbasch: We call that the far, far away base. But since it will hopefully become a flourishing mine one day, most of us started to call it Farmine. The dwarfs there could really use some help right now. ...

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Ongulf: Nothing we dwarfs couldn't handle alone, but I rather thought this could be something interesting for an adventurer like you. ...

Melfar: As you might know, this area is troubled by comprar body slim fast giant beavers. Once a year, the miners decide to have some fun, so they lure the beavers and jump on them to have some sort of rodeo. ...

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Ongulf: Further, we have more ore and end products than we can use right now. So we need someone to buy all the surplus. Convince Leeland Slim in Venore that the local traders step in as resellers. ...

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Ongulf: Scare them, bribe them, give them another target or whatever. As futile as it may sound: Try to talk to their leaders in some way and make them stop their attack plans. This is our only hope.

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